What’s our approach?

Our approach is to identify 2 or 3 out of the many agencies serving homeless in Pierce County and agree to partner with them for the calendar year. Once the 2 or 3 agencies are identified, we will begin a discovery process which will include the following:

• Identify what type of homeless services they provide and do not provide.
• What is their goal in serving homeless in Pierce County?
• What demographics do they specialize in (women, children, veterans, etc)?
• What their customer process flows looks like?
• What resources they offer?
• What volunteer opportunities are they in need of?
•What requirements are needed from volunteers to assist (background check, requirements, restrictions, etc)?
• What does the volunteer on-boarding process look like?
• Who is their volunteer POC?

Following Discovery, we will meet with local church leaders/pastors about the 937 Project and ask to visit and present to their congregations or teams’ on information about the agencies identified for the year and opportunities available to be connected to.

What 937 is not.

Our goal is to promote homelessness awareness in South Sound churches as well as provide a simple path to connect those churches to already established organizations that help our homeless neighbors.

  • 937 does not manage volunteers- this will be a responsibility of the service organizations.

  • 937 does not guarantee the Quality of Volunteers- 937 will provide “best practice” information to volunteers. But, volunteer training and orientation will be conducted through the service’s organization.

  • 937 is not a subject matter expert about the organization-Some organizations have multiple functions, 937 will be focusing on the work done serving the homeless.

  • 937 does not represent any particular political view or denominational stance- 937 is a Christian organization hoping to see compassion in action within our community.

Organizational Capacity?

937 will house organization information learned during the discovery phase and highlight them on the 937 website. With the organizations’ permission we will link their pages as well for further research.

In addition, for any individuals interested in serving but are not quite sure where to start. Our team will provide a personal self discovery conversations with our serving assessment team. This will help them identify and navigate the best organizational fit.

Our website will be an informational hub. Churches and leaders can direct members and attenders to the Project 937 website to get connected to helping the homeless of Pierce County even if they missed the presentation at the church gathering.

How are we measuring success?

937s focus is around bringing awareness and creating simple mobilization methods. We will measure our impact by how many churches we partner with and how many volunteers sign up to support the homeless efforts. Each quarter will track this information and post to the 937 website. Unmeasured success will be the impact the church community will bring to these organizations. When God’s people start to move, things happen.